Rapist of Public Trust

Rapist of Public Trust

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Police Chief Repays Thousands

HARTFORD, Conn.—Attorney General Richard Blumenthal says Old Saybrook Police Chief Edmund Mosca has repaid $22,500 to a charitable fund he oversaw.

Mosca had been accused of not keeping accurate and complete records for the McMurray-Kirtland Memorial Fund. He ovesaw the fund for more than 30 years.

Blumenthal says Mosca used money from the fund for chiefs of police associations and travel expenses which was not the intent of those who donated money to the fund.

Mosca has repaid the money and announced his retirement earlier this month. He's been chief since 1971.

© Copyright 2009 Associated Press

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mill's Retirement Exposed

Looks like Tayor Mills long-time hack cop will be gone soon thanks to the gutting of The Quinn Bill.

It's always about the money for Mills'- last to arrive, first to leave hack.

Looks like the retirement system is changing and so is this no-finer-hack. He has been training for his annual exercise road trip on taxpayers time and will ride off into the sunshine with lifetime retirement and health care benefits.

Mills was about to be laced with a few whopping lawsuits that will costs the town millions to defend and payout. What will that do to the AAA rating? Maybe that is why he is cashing out?

Some people wanted to see Mills fired, others wanted all to see him as he is:a layabout Hack.

He leaves a legacy of a top heavy, and bloated Hingham Police Department with lots of superior-officer-staff and not enough to keep them busy. He has hand picked Hingham's number 1 greed-machine to replace him.

Yes, its Hingham's highest compensated human, year after year, got almost $200,000 in 2008 and it does not include any part-time jobs, nor any retirement, nor any lifetime heath care, nor free gas and taxpayers provided automobile 24/7.

Does he take this car on vacation also?

Although a yearly event, we cannot remember any year Mike Peraino was not the top paid human in Hingham. One superior officer characterized his actions as simple GREED. Another cop-family member said as it keeps him from turning to crime for more money.

And today Mills the Hackcop-of-Hacks wants Peraino to replace him! That may never happen as Peraino would take a significant cut in the wallet. But, you'll never know they all want the top spot; at some point power makes more than taxpayers can pay.

How about we just go without a chief for a few years as they do nothing anyway and take all the credit for the handwork of the rank-and-file.

Think how much money that would save.

Monday, April 6, 2009

No Finer Disgrace

HPD Chief Mills is a spendthrift dinosaur.

His old-fashion police tactics are not only an embarrassment they are fundamentally unfair and costly.

His position paper on Marijuana reflects his prohibition era methodology proven so detrimental to society.

Yet, he continues his harmful and bull-dog management style that went away in the 30’s. Mills needs to take his retirement and get lost.

He is part of a out-of-date feeder system that wasting billions of dollars and stunting million of lives.

Chief Mills has been characterized, by many of his police officers, as a do nothing, late to arrive, early to leave and always on the look-out for a long coffee break.

Mills is operating on a 20 year old staffing vs. need report that allows him to intentionally schedule overtime at great waste to Hingham’s taxpayers. Last year it was $500,000.

Why in God’s name would we send a superior officer, much less the most greedy and highest compensated officer, of all time, to a 10 week course offered by the FBI?

The man-power replacement costs alone would be a lavish unnecessary expenditure, not to mention the travel and out-of-pocket costs. Yet, he sends the wannabe chief; John Norkaitus on a 10 week vacation.

Norkaitus used to be a good cop that contributed to the upbringing of the towns youth. Before he turned greedy he would take beer from teenagers and drain the cans in the bay then tell them he would call their parents if ever caught them again

Now he advocates arresting them and sending the information to Mary Ford to be printed the following week for all to see.

This of course makes issues worse, but that is the way with Mill’s and his antiquated philosophy. Did you know Mills has hand picked Norkaitis to be his successor?

Mills and Norkaitis are out of control. The Selectmen should form a committee that will look into every aspect of our police department with the eye toward reshaping it from top to bottom. Dinosaurs have been gone for millions of years.

Why is Mills still here?

Mills, the great spender, is liked by his superior officers as he allows them to lie, cheat and steal public trust, not to mention gas, insurance, time and money. Did you know Mills is sending two of his “boys” to Gang School in Boston when he can get the same service from The State Police for free?

Gangs in Hingham? Not today, not tomorrow Chief.

Friday, February 6, 2009

HPD Mills - Chief Whiner & Bellyacher

Chief Mils’ statements in The Hingham Journal, regarding the need to cut-back expenditures. makes you want to vomit.

Superior Police Hack, Taylor Mills cannot even articulate why he needs the 51 police officers approved years ago. All he can say is: The MMA made me do it, same-same since 1998, we are penalized for doing a good job, I speak for the public and they want more.

Chief! We have less than 600 crimes a year in Hingham, this is using you own records. Please do not confuse the public with your call log as it’s about 50% bloated with Fire Department and Rescue calls.

So sorry chief only one call per department allowed on the stat sheets. I know you have done this for years to hoodwink for more money but so sorry. Not anymore.

Get rid of your assistant Full time Harbormaster. You would only have 300 applications to fill these positions in the summer only.

Oh we forgot, Harbormaster Souther is the brother of Chief Souther is he not? Must be the only reason this is a PT position: Harbormaster Souther cannot have two full time jobs while working for a school department.

Do not tell us the Harbomaster a family business?

It’s About Time !

Lay about fat-body Hingham Police Chief Taylor Mills needs to go.

His bloated administrative staff has little and many times nothing to do and a few Superior officers have been caught sleeping, on the job.

No duh ! They all work two, three, a four jobs. Just look at Lt. Perano

Over time and detail work represent the bulk of their real jobs - they go to the Police Station to get some sleep.

Did you know HPD has three Chiefs? They have Chief Taylor Mills, Chief Charles Souther and Chief Brad Durant according to their web site.

They had five Lieutenants until the public execution of Chief’ Mills most hated.

Compare the HPD police staffing with The Town of Hull and you will see three to five times the staffing, for far more crimes. Hull has one Police Chief not three and one Lieutenant not five, like Hingham.

Every Police Department’s heavy lifting is done by the cruiser cops and the Sergeants. Hingham has as many Sergeants as they do Lieutenants. That is if you count Sgt. Corcoran a real Sergeant.

Corcoran just another bully-cop masquerading as a county prosecutor, having sex with at least one known HDC complainant. He struts around Hingham District Court repeating the same things. Corcoran's making sure justice is not blind, making sure Hingham’s justice is based on ego, hate and friendships.

Sgt. Corcoran’s only skill is to assist in making a law fit.

This is inconsistent with our constitution where the behavior must fit the law. Not, with Hingham Police Officer Sgt. Rusty Pervert Corcoran. To pervert the law is his business – his only business.

It’s about time the cops leave the schools. Now we can get back to real education and forget about the school cops making everything worse.

In Hingham Schools, thanks to the Superior-cops it’s all about hear-say, little on what you do, and everything on what people say you do.

Without Chief Mills’ cops in the schools; what a concept!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Chief Tylor Mills - Layabout Hack

Hingham's Chief Mills was exposed, in the Patriot Ledger and Hingham Journal, as a do nothing layabout political Hack where everybody is guilty - except him, his family and his friends.

Chief Taylor Mills behavior, as reported, leads one to believe he is worst kind of Municipal Bully. If anything comes out of his hideous display of arrogance it was Chief Mills needs to be put-out-to-pasture to move onto the next phase of his Hack-life.

At the minimum his actions need to be fully investigated, including his financial records and the high profile cases with his involvement. There are so few and it would not take much time - but surely reveal the behavior of Hingham's Whimp-Chief.

As reported, Chief Mills said of himself about the allegations leveled: " It didn't happen". Of course, this is the same any criminal would say and the allegations need to be adjudicated.

This Hack Chief appeared ready, willing and able to speak at the quack-trial of Lt. Phillips.

That was, until he would be sworn-in and subject to cross examination. Then, all of a sudden this No-Finer-Hack decided he didn't need to speak at all.

The articles printed suggested he was ready, willing an able to lie through his teeth, but never ask him to swear to tell the truth, nor subject himself to cross examination. This is typical political behaior of a Hack-lier.

Is that Hingham's Police Chief?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Chief's Son Extracts Revenge

Board votes to fire veteran Hingham officer

By Allison Manning
The Patriot Ledger


It didn’t matter to selectmen whether the contact that Hingham police Lt. Kris Phillips made with a light plant employee was playful, accidental or intentional. They voted unanimously Tuesday night to fire the veteran officer.

Phillips may appeal the action to the state Civil Service Commission.

The decision stems from an incident in April 2008. Phillips was working a paid detail on Lincoln Street when, in response to a joking comment from a light department employee, he gestured, making contact with light department employee Todd Sherwin’s groin, causing Sherwin to double over in pain.

During a lengthy hearing Tuesday afternoon, Phillips argued that the contact was accidental in an act of horseplay, while police department attorney James Toomey said Phillips acted intentionally, because of stress.

Phillips said he had been under stress during the month prior to the incident. He had just returned to duty after an investigation into a domestic incident at his home.

“Sometimes you let your guard down,” he testified. “This is not how I would normally act.”
After the decision, Phillips declined to comment.

Police Chief Taylor Mills launched an investigation of the incident. After finding evidence of misconduct, he recommended that Phillips be fired.

Criminal charges against Phillips have been filed.

Phillips said the investigation was the culmination of years of bad blood between him and Chief Mills.

“This prosecution of Lt. Phillips reflects bad faith in small-town politics in its worst sense,” Phillips’ attorney, Alan McDonald, said during the hearing.

McDonald said the action was retaliatory, designed to discredit and possibly remove Phillips from the police force “because of ill motives of the chief that are unrelated in any way to Lt. Phillips’ performance as a police officer.”

Phillips testified that he thought the chief was retaliating against him because Phillips “would not cover up an internal-affairs investigation involving Mills’ son.”

When The Patriot Ledger asked for copies of documents created during the internal investigation, the police department declined to provide them, saying the documents were “personnel records” and therefore legally exempt from disclosure. The newspaper has appealed the decision to the secretary of state’s office.

Selectmen said they were concerned with discrepancies between the report Phillips filed during the investigation of the Lincoln Street incident, and the description of the events at the hearing. In his statement, Phillips said that in an act of horseplay he “snapped his fingertips” at Sherwin’s midsection, accidentally hitting Sherwin’s groin. When he described the incident during the hearing, he said accidental contact was made as he gestured while walking away.

“Nowhere in that statement does it say your contact ... was inadvertent,” Toomey said.
Here is some of the testimony of Police Lt. Kris Phillips at the hearing:

“I believe the chief is bringing these charges against me because I would not cover up an internal affairs investigation involving his son,” referencing an alleged underage drinking party. Mills’ son was never named.

Phillips testified that Chief Mills approached him about the party. “He stated, ‘Kris, take this information, put it in your back pocket and own this officer for the rest of his career.’”

“I’m a young sergeant, first year. I don’t need to (anger) the captain. I didn’t think that anything like this would ever come back. I know the (then) captain’s reputation and I was in fear of him.”

Phillips testified during his interview for lieutenant, he answered a question about staffing. He said that Mills later approached him. “He told me that I made him look bad. His statement was, ‘You made it look like the chief wasn’t doing his job.’ And he further stated I was not going to get his endorsement for the promotion. And he would not forget this.”

(Phillips declined to speak to a reporter after the decision Tuesday.)

Chief Mills’ response to Phillips’ testimony, following the hearing:

“It made no sense for me to get up and address these issues (at the hearing),” he said, explaining why he did not testify at the hearing. “It’s a distraction from the issue at hand, no relevance to the incident that we’re dealing with.”

On Phillips’ recollection of Chief Mills telling him to withhold information about an underage drinking party: “I absolutely have never said any such words at any time... I’m saying it never happened. ”

“His effort was to make this about me and take the focus off of him.”

On approaching Phillips after his interview for lieutenant: “I did speak with him that I didn’t think it was necessary to discuss the aspect of our effort to create a permanent intermittent program because it had been documented. He may have sensed that I was not happy with that response to the questioning ... I speak my mind, I don’t hold things in. If I’m not happy with the way an officer does something I let them know.”

Allison Manning may be reached at
