Lay about fat-body Hingham Police Chief Taylor Mills needs to go.
His bloated administrative staff has little and many times nothing to do and a few Superior officers have been caught sleeping, on the job.
No duh ! They all work two, three, a four jobs. Just look at Lt. Perano
Over time and detail work represent the bulk of their real jobs - they go to the Police Station to get some sleep.
Did you know HPD has three Chiefs? They have Chief Taylor Mills, Chief Charles Souther and Chief Brad Durant according to their web site.
They had five Lieutenants until the public execution of Chief’ Mills most hated.
Compare the HPD police staffing with The Town of Hull and you will see three to five times the staffing, for far more crimes. Hull has one Police Chief not three and one Lieutenant not five, like Hingham.
Every Police Department’s heavy lifting is done by the cruiser cops and the Sergeants. Hingham has as many Sergeants as they do Lieutenants. That is if you count Sgt. Corcoran a real Sergeant.
Corcoran just another bully-cop masquerading as a county prosecutor, having sex with at least one known HDC complainant. He struts around Hingham District Court repeating the same things. Corcoran's making sure justice is not blind, making sure Hingham’s justice is based on ego, hate and friendships.
Sgt. Corcoran’s only skill is to assist in making a law fit.
This is inconsistent with our constitution where the behavior must fit the law. Not, with Hingham Police Officer Sgt. Rusty Pervert Corcoran. To pervert the law is his business – his only business.
It’s about time the cops leave the schools. Now we can get back to real education and forget about the school cops making everything worse.
In Hingham Schools, thanks to the Superior-cops it’s all about hear-say, little on what you do, and everything on what people say you do.
Without Chief Mills’ cops in the schools; what a concept!
His bloated administrative staff has little and many times nothing to do and a few Superior officers have been caught sleeping, on the job.
No duh ! They all work two, three, a four jobs. Just look at Lt. Perano
Over time and detail work represent the bulk of their real jobs - they go to the Police Station to get some sleep.
Did you know HPD has three Chiefs? They have Chief Taylor Mills, Chief Charles Souther and Chief Brad Durant according to their web site.
They had five Lieutenants until the public execution of Chief’ Mills most hated.
Compare the HPD police staffing with The Town of Hull and you will see three to five times the staffing, for far more crimes. Hull has one Police Chief not three and one Lieutenant not five, like Hingham.
Every Police Department’s heavy lifting is done by the cruiser cops and the Sergeants. Hingham has as many Sergeants as they do Lieutenants. That is if you count Sgt. Corcoran a real Sergeant.
Corcoran just another bully-cop masquerading as a county prosecutor, having sex with at least one known HDC complainant. He struts around Hingham District Court repeating the same things. Corcoran's making sure justice is not blind, making sure Hingham’s justice is based on ego, hate and friendships.
Sgt. Corcoran’s only skill is to assist in making a law fit.
This is inconsistent with our constitution where the behavior must fit the law. Not, with Hingham Police Officer Sgt. Rusty Pervert Corcoran. To pervert the law is his business – his only business.
It’s about time the cops leave the schools. Now we can get back to real education and forget about the school cops making everything worse.
In Hingham Schools, thanks to the Superior-cops it’s all about hear-say, little on what you do, and everything on what people say you do.
Without Chief Mills’ cops in the schools; what a concept!
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